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Parasite/Biosecurity/first aid Protocol:

as a rule i run fecals at least once every 2 months and worm accordingly.


I do not allow people, or animals from untested stock onto my property to avoid transmitting in parasites or diseases.

all sales are done well away from my pasture and people are not allowed to enter my pasture or pet goats to avoid disease.


all animals taken to show are quarantined together for a week and a half.


Ammonium chloride (urinary calculi )

Baking soda (bloat prevention)

Banamine (anti-inflammatory,fever care)

Biosol (scour treatment)

Blue kote (antifungal)

Bo-se ( vitamin, for selenium deficiency)

Cayenne pepper (hypothermia treatment)

Copper bolus (min. deficiency treatment)

Dexamethasone (induce labor, appetite)

Epinephrine (shock treatment from meds)

Flunixin inject banamine (anti-inflammatory)


Cydectine (Macrolytic wormer)

Eprinex (Macrolytic wormer)

Fembrenezol (benzimidazole wormer)

Ivermectin (Macrolytic wormer)

Pyrantel (nicotinic wormer)

Quest (Macrolytic wormer)

Safeguard (benzimidazole wormer)

Valbazen (benzimidazole wormer

Karo/ molasses ( blood sugar drop, hypothermia treatment)

La200 (antibiotic for cuts wounds pink eye, botulism)

Milk of magnesia (constipation)

Mineral oil (bloat)

Nuflor (antibiotic for pneumonia )

Oxytetracycline(antibiotic for cuts/pink eye)

Pepto-Bismol (kid diarrhea)

Primor (gut infection)

Pen g (lysteriosis)

Red cell (anemia care)

Spectam Scour Halt (scour treatment)

Sulmet or albon (coccidia treatment)

Tagament ( gut pain related to coccidia)

Terramycin (pink eye)

Therabloat (bloat medicine)

Thiamine (vitamin, lysteria, polio)

Tincture iodine (wound clean)

Toltazuril (coccidia preventative)

Triangle 9 (annual pneumonia vac)

Tylan 200. (pneumonia)

Vitacharge (vitamin, appetite, polio)

Vitamin b complex (vitamin, appetite, polio)




Producers Co Op Show Goat

Biozyme heat/concept aid

Timothy, Alfalfa, orchardgrass

Chubby liquid additive.



Producers co op

cotton seed /cotton cake

beet pulp



biozyme concept aid/heat

chubby additive

calf manna



hay cubes

producers co op rabbits complete pellet

Black oil Sunflower seed


Kidding Protocol:

kids are taken from dams as soon as colostrum is received and are given a pre natal gel and iodine drip to the umbilical at birth. 


Bottle and bucket fed to make human friendly  none of my bucks or does have every been aggressive.


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